Donna Carol Cuming came to the wonderful world of art with a few short courses starting in 2005. Her first course was with Jennifer Labella at the Conservatory in the Park and not only was the setting ideal, but Jennifer was very patient with the very novice artist and imparted a love of watercolour painting. Since then she took a variety of courses through the Leisure Guide, Guy St. Goddard, the WAG and Leona Brown. After 2 workshops in Europe with Leona Brown, her interest in painting was increased and other workshops followed in Wisconsin with Karlyn Holman, Sterling Edwards and Cheng-Khee Chee.
Along the way Donna met many wonderful talented artists that have inspired her and she calls them friends. She retired as an Occupational Health Nurse in 2013 and joined the Charleswood Art Group where she has participated in many workshops and again has met wonderful inspiring artists. Donna’s artwork is varied with traditional watercolour techniques, abstracts, mixed medium collaging, alcohol inks and acrylics. Lately she has taken up sketching, especially in Plein Air sessions during the summer with the Charleswood Art Group.
Donna has had 5 works of art exhibited in juried shows at Buhler Gallery and one collage/mixed media piece in the Red River exhibition show and sale in 2015. This piece was sold.
Her quote is ‘Art is poetry for the eyes”. One important aspect of learning to paint is that one looks and feels the environment differently, noticing the light pathways, shadows and colours.